
Bratislava prepares new program to improve air quality
27. 12. 2021
From the point of view of air protection and its management, the Slovak Republic is divided into zones and agglomerations. The city of Bratislava represents an agglomeration, defined by the borders of the capital of the Slovak Republic and at the same time is also an air quality management area based on the assessment of air quality in the Slovak Republic, commissioned by the organization of the Ministry of the Environment, which is the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute.

Trnava is making progress in creating a shared public space for cyclists and pedestrians
22. 11. 2021
The last in a series of workshops aimed at sharing experiences and good practices in implementing sustainable mobility was devoted to examples from the Trnava region. In this region, but also throughout Slovakia, since 1998, the number of residents moving from city centers to the periphery has been increasing. This phenomenon is called suburbanization and represents a relatively complex problem in terms of the transport serviceability of the area by public transport.

SHMI launched mobile monitoring of air quality in Ivanka pri Dunaji
07. 10. 2021
The program of economic and social development of the town Ivanka pri Dunaji defines transport as one of the main problems and burdens for the town. The results of air quality monitoring should contribute to addressing air protection and the unsustainable traffic situation. Air quality managers for the Bratislava Region gave a helping hand in identifying the hotspot and installing a mobile monitoring station in Ivanka pri Dunaji.

New WHO Global Air Quality Guidelines aim to save millions of lives from air pollution
23. 09. 2021
Air pollution is one of the biggest environmental threats to human health, alongside climate change.

Safely and healthy with ecological transport
14. 09. 2021
Today marks the start of the 20th edition of the European Mobility Week (ETM) campaign, which this year is marked by the motto "Safely and healthy with green transport". Sustainable mobility is a key solution to the problem of deteriorating air quality. The aim of the campaign is to motivate local governments and to present implemented permanent measures in the field of sustainable mobility.

The conference is behind us, the difficult challenges ahead of us
10. 09. 2021
The international conference Effective Air Quality Management took place in Banská Bystrica from 7 to 8 September 2021, organized within the LIFE IP – Air Quality Improvement project. The aim of the meeting of representatives of state and self-governing bodies, educational institutions, the private and non-profit sector was to open a dialogue, establish cooperation and seek solutions to improve air quality in Slovakia.

The air in Slovakia requires the attention of the general public
08. 09. 2021
The United Nations has declared the Interantional Day of Clean Air on September 7. On this day, Member States are drawing attention to measures to improve air quality. This year's motto of the campaign is "Healthy air, a healthy planet". The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic is responding to the deteriorating air quality with the prepared changes in legislation, financial instruments to support the improvement of air quality and awareness raising activities.

Healthy air, healthy planet
07. 09. 2021
September 7 belongs to the air. The United Nations has declared this date as the International Day of Clean Air. On this day, Member States are drawing attention to the measures taken to improve air quality. This year's motto of the UN campaign is "Healthy air, a healthy planet".

How to effectively manage air quality?
31. 08. 2021
Exactly in one week, on September 7th, 2021, the international conference Effective Air Quality Management will start in Banská Bystrica. The event is organized by the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic in cooperation with the Slovak Environment Agency within the LIFE IP – Air Quality Improvement project.

New points on the map II.
11. 08. 2021
The Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMI) is currently installing new automatic monitoring stations (AMS) in localities not yet covered by monitoring as part of the project Improving the National Air Quality Monitoring Network.