SHMI launched mobile monitoring of air quality in Ivanka pri Dunaji
07. 10. 2021
The program of economic and social development of the town Ivanka pri Dunaji defines transport as one of the main problems and burdens for the town. The results of air quality monitoring should contribute to addressing air protection and the unsustainable traffic situation. Air quality managers for the Bratislava Region gave a helping hand in identifying the hotspot and installing a mobile monitoring station in Ivanka pri Dunaji.

The mobile monitoring station in the town of Ivanka pri Dunaji is located on Vajnorská Street no. 6. The location was chosen with regard to the fact that it is the main route for transport from the municipality to the capital Bratislava, and thousands of vehicles pass along this route daily, of which 75 % only pass through the municipality.
"We are very pleased that we managed to get the measurement to our municipality, where up to 75 % of the traffic is represented by transit traffic. At the same time, we are curious about the evaluation of the measured data, it may be interesting for us to compare them with other municipalities, "said Ivan Zibala, Deputy Mayor of Ivanka pri Dunaji.
The air quality managers of the LIFE IP – Air Quality Improvement project, operating at the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, participated significantly in the initial phase of the whole project of installing a mobile monitoring station, when they were able to estimate a possible air pollution hotspot and contacted the mayor: „We´re glad that we managed to successfully complete the installation of a mobile monitoring station in the town of Ivanka pri Dunaji, despite a longer period of time from the first design and planning of the station in the town of Ivanka pri Dunaji to the start of the measurement itself. However, it is a real experience for us with the practice of improving air quality and part of the LIFE IP – Air Quality Improvement project, which also includes mobile monitoring throughout the project. The result of this type of air quality measurement should be the basis for further possible proposals for measures to improve air quality. We hope that the campaign measurements during one year will bring us an answer as to whether the town of Ivanka pri Dunaji "suffers" from air pollution caused by traffic.“
The unbearable traffic situation in the village is also evidenced by an open letter from the mayor of Ivanka pri Dunaji, Vladimír Letenay, addressed to the Minister of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic.
Measured hourly concentrations of pollutants at the mobile air quality monitoring station in Ivanka pri Dunaji can be seen on the website of the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute: https://www.shmu.sk/sk/?page=991
Mobile monitoring in selected cities and towns in Slovakia is an activity of the LIFE IP – Air Quality Improvement project, which is supported by the European Union within the LIFE program.