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Picture of the participants at the workshop

Trilateral workshop on air quality

06. 06. 2023  |  Air

As part of our Populair project, we actively maintain relations with international partners, which was also reflected in the recently organized Trilateral Workshop in Piešťany, which took place on May 17-19, 2023. At this event, we welcomed the foreign projects HungAIRy from Hungary and Malopolska - In a healthy atmosphere from Poland, which, like us, deal with the issue of air quality.

Screenshots of the mobile app and QR codes for downloading the app

Air quality application „Today I Breathe“

11. 01. 2023  |  Air

Recently, the mobile application "Dnes dýcham" (en. Today I Breathe) was successfully launched, with its goal to raise public awareness of air quality in Slovakia. The mobile application displays informative values ​​of the level of air pollution under the designation of AQI - air quality index.