How to effectively manage air quality?
31. 08. 2021
Exactly in one week, on September 7th, 2021, the international conference Effective Air Quality Management will start in Banská Bystrica. The event is organized by the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic in cooperation with the Slovak Environment Agency within the LIFE IP – Air Quality Improvement project.

Deteriorated air quality is a societal problem. The air we breathe can have a significant effect on our health. Although the air quality in Slovakia has significantly improved in the last decades, we still find areas where the condition is not satisfactory. The limit values and target values for pollutants that pose a health risk to the population are being exceeded.
Significant sources of air pollution in Slovakia are mainly households that heat with solid fuel, and road transport.
As part of the 1.5-day conference, which will take place from 7 to 8 September 2021 at the Dixon Hotel in Banská Bystrica, the speakers will bring up-to-date information on air protection in Slovakia. Lecturers from Slovakia and the surrounding countries (Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Italy) will share examples of good practice. The first day of the conference will close with an educational show by the legendary Smokeman. The second day of the conference will be dedicated to financial tools and methods of communication in the field of air protection. The conclusion of the conference is reserved for interactive consultations of regional air quality managers with conference participants. More information about the program can be found at: https://populair.sk/event/301/konferencia-dixon-program.pdf
The aim of the meeting of representatives of state and self-governing bodies, educational institutions, the private and non-profit sector is to open a dialogue and seek solutions in order to improve air quality in Slovakia.
It is no coincidence that the date of the conference falls on the International Day of Clean Air, which was announced by the United Nations on September 7. On this day, Member States are drawing attention to the measures taken to improve air quality.
Event registration has ended. The capacity of the event is full.