Bratislava prepares new program to improve air quality
27. 12. 2021
From the point of view of air protection and its management, the Slovak Republic is divided into zones and agglomerations. The city of Bratislava represents an agglomeration, defined by the borders of the capital of the Slovak Republic and at the same time is also an air quality management area based on the assessment of air quality in the Slovak Republic, commissioned by the organization of the Ministry of the Environment, which is the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute.

Based on the air quality assessment for 2019, the Bratislava agglomeration was defined as an air quality management area due to the exceedance of the limit value of the pollutant NO2 in the period from 2017 to 2019 and the exceedance of the target value of ozone (O3) was also recorded. For these reasons, it will be necessary to develop an integrated air quality improvement program for the Bratislava agglomeration in accordance with Section 10 of Act No. 137/2010 Coll. on air and the related implementing regulation of the Decree of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic No. 244/2019.
The air quality managers of the LIFE IP project - Improving air quality for the territory of the Bratislava region established intensive contact with the Bratislava District Office in 2020 and began the process of preparing and developing an integrated air quality improvement program. Together, they set a framework for cooperation and collaboration. A timetable for the entire process of preparing and developing the integrated program has been developed. The timetable has several phases and stages of development. On February 18, 2021, a notice was issued on the definition of the air quality management area of the Bratislava agglomeration on the official noticeboard of the Bratislava District Office.
The individual phases of the process of preparing and developing the draft of the integrated program are the pre-preparation phase, the preparation phase, the phase of developing the first draft, the commenting phase, the phase of incorporating written comments, the phase of public discussion of the draft, the approval phase and the publication phase. The specific phases of the process are further divided into specific stages, which represent specific steps. The phases and stages are recorded in an internal document, which also controls the entire process.
The pre-preparation phase included the preparation and summarization of available documents and documents necessary for analyzing the situation, the shares of air pollution sources in total pollution, and other detailed background materials. The first draft is currently being developed, during which a so-called working group was established and the statute of the working group for the preparation and development of the draft of the integrated program was approved. In the Bratislava agglomeration, the working group is managed by the Bratislava District Office and the Bratislava City Hall.
In 2021, several working group meetings were held for specific areas of solution according to air pollution sources (industry, energy, transport, household heating), the aim of which was to preliminarily discuss the submitted proposals for measures to improve air quality in the Bratislava agglomeration. The development phase is followed by the phase of commenting and approving the developed draft of the integrated program.
The largest sources of air pollution in the Bratislava agglomeration are transport (road and automobile), industry (petrochemistry), and energy (energy production, heat supply). The contribution of air pollutant emissions caused by household heating is minimal in the Bratislava agglomeration.
The expected date of publication of the integrated program of the Bratislava agglomeration should be in mid-2022.