Media coverage

Do you also use wood to heat your home?
source: Týždenník Záhorák | 16.12.2024 | link na web
source: Týždenník Záhorák | 16.12.2024 | link na web

Photography competition for secondary schools in the Žilina region
source: mojastredna.sk | 15.12.2024 | link na web
source: mojastredna.sk | 15.12.2024 | link na web

They measured harmful particles in the air
source: www.psk.sk | 01.12.2024 | link na web
source: www.psk.sk | 01.12.2024 | link na web

TTSK Sustainability Days and World Sustainable Transport Day
source: trnava-vuc.sk | 29.11.2024 | link na web
source: trnava-vuc.sk | 29.11.2024 | link na web

What do the people of Banská Bystrica breathe? Air pollution was measured in the city
source: www.bystricak.sk | 14.11.2024 | link na web
source: www.bystricak.sk | 14.11.2024 | link na web

Air pollution measurements were conducted in the city under the direction of a Danish expert
source: Korzár Prešov | 14.11.2024 | link na web
source: Korzár Prešov | 14.11.2024 | link na web

We are facing stricter air pollution limits
source: TTSK FB Zelený kraj | 04.11.2024 | link na web
source: TTSK FB Zelený kraj | 04.11.2024 | link na web

Showing the spot of the project "LIFE IP - Improving air quality" on digital screens
source: Obrazovky firmy eČasenka, s.r.o. v čakárňach u lekárov | 28.10.2024 | link na web
source: Obrazovky firmy eČasenka, s.r.o. v čakárňach u lekárov | 28.10.2024 | link na web

Planting trees is the key to better air quality and climate change adaptation
source: web BSK | 17.10.2024 | link na web
source: web BSK | 17.10.2024 | link na web

source: www.zscentrum.sk | 10.10.2024 | link na web
source: www.zscentrum.sk | 10.10.2024 | link na web

According to the Stove Builders' Guild, improper heating is also to blame for the smog in Jelšava and Veľká Ida
source: TASR | 08.10.2024 | link na web
source: TASR | 08.10.2024 | link na web

Showing the spot of the project "LIFE IP - Improving air quality" through digital screens in public transport and public transport within the Prešov region
source: Obrazovky See&Go, s.r.o. | 1.10.2024 | link na web
source: Obrazovky See&Go, s.r.o. | 1.10.2024 | link na web

To school on their own at Golianova Elementary School in Banská Bystrica
source: zsgolianova.edupage.org | 26.09.2024 | link na web
source: zsgolianova.edupage.org | 26.09.2024 | link na web

They want to permanently close the street in front of the Sereda elementary school
source: Rádio Regina Západ | 25.09.2024 | link na web
source: Rádio Regina Západ | 25.09.2024 | link na web

Beware the curve - European Mobility Week
source: Rádio Slovensko | 22.09.2024 | link na web
source: Rádio Slovensko | 22.09.2024 | link na web

Cars could not reach the school in Sereď
source: Správy RTVS | 20.9.2024 | link na web
source: Správy RTVS | 20.9.2024 | link na web

Obecné noviny – Žilina region
source: Obecné noviny | 19.09.2024 | link na web
source: Obecné noviny | 19.09.2024 | link na web

article in a children's magazine
source: časopis Maxík | 12.09.2024 | PDF, 312 kB
source: časopis Maxík | 12.09.2024 | PDF, 312 kB

Before the heating season, we'll tell you how you can save both your health and money
source: bratislavskykraj.sk | 09.09.2024 | link na web
source: bratislavskykraj.sk | 09.09.2024 | link na web

Air quality affects us all
source: Smart Cities Klub | 27.08.2024 | link na web
source: Smart Cities Klub | 27.08.2024 | link na web

Obecné noviny – Prešov region
source: Obecné noviny | 22.08.2024 | PDF 1,93 MB
source: Obecné noviny | 22.08.2024 | PDF 1,93 MB

FOR A GREEN COUNTRY - discussion Should you go to school eco-friendly?
source: Žilinský samosprávny kraj | 10.07.2024 | link na web
source: Žilinský samosprávny kraj | 10.07.2024 | link na web

Obecné noviny – BB kraj
source: Obecné noviny | 27.6.2024 | PDF, 2,83 1 MB
source: Obecné noviny | 27.6.2024 | PDF, 2,83 1 MB

Heating furnace after winter
source: Markíza | 23.6.2024 | link na web
source: Markíza | 23.6.2024 | link na web

Practical experiences that motivate responsible behavior towards the environment
source: Trnava-vuc.sk | 21.6.2024 | link na web
source: Trnava-vuc.sk | 21.6.2024 | link na web

Cities for future generations start with children - interview with MKO for TTSK
source: TTSK - oficiálna webová stránka | 31.5.2024 | link na web
source: TTSK - oficiálna webová stránka | 31.5.2024 | link na web

We are joining forces at the TTSK Office for awareness of sustainable mobility and clean air
source: Webová stránka TTSK | 30.4.2024 | link na web
source: Webová stránka TTSK | 30.4.2024 | link na web

Common themes of the region, cities and municipalities
source: Týždeň v PSK, 17. týždeň, 2024 | 26.4.2024 | link na web
source: Týždeň v PSK, 17. týždeň, 2024 | 26.4.2024 | link na web

A joint effort for a better future for our Earth
source: Web TSK | 24.4.2024 | link na web
source: Web TSK | 24.4.2024 | link na web

The big meeting of the region with mayors and mayors focused on the perspectives of regional development
source: Oficiálne webové sídlo PSK | 22.4.2024 | link na web
source: Oficiálne webové sídlo PSK | 22.4.2024 | link na web

Forests - guardians of clean air
source: Časopis Maxík | 22.4.2024 | PDF, 313 kB
source: Časopis Maxík | 22.4.2024 | PDF, 313 kB

What we breathe in Slovakia
source: Nový čas | 21.4.2024 | PDF, 1.46 MB
source: Nový čas | 21.4.2024 | PDF, 1.46 MB

It idles
source: shmu.sk | 9.4.2024 | link na web
source: shmu.sk | 9.4.2024 | link na web

To school on their own
source: Obecné noviny | 21.3.2024 | link na web, str. 18
source: Obecné noviny | 21.3.2024 | link na web, str. 18

How NOT to fertilize it!
source: Záhrada / Jaga group | 1.3.2024 | PDF, 327 kB
source: Záhrada / Jaga group | 1.3.2024 | PDF, 327 kB

An article in a children's magazine
source: Časopis Maxík | 1.3.2024 | PDF, 595 kB
source: Časopis Maxík | 1.3.2024 | PDF, 595 kB

Not snow, but dust is our enemy in winter
source: Refresher | 29.2.2024 | link na web
source: Refresher | 29.2.2024 | link na web

Where is the worst air quality in our country?
source: Týždenník Záhorák | 19.2.2024 | PDF, 5,96 MB, str. 2
source: Týždenník Záhorák | 19.2.2024 | PDF, 5,96 MB, str. 2

Improving air quality - LIFE IP - Zone Bratislava region
source: bratislavskykraj.sk | 17.2.2024 | link na web
source: bratislavskykraj.sk | 17.2.2024 | link na web

The air quality in the city will be measured by a monitoring station
source: Oficiálna webová stránka mesta Piešťany | 7.2.2024 | link na web
source: Oficiálna webová stránka mesta Piešťany | 7.2.2024 | link na web

Report on the topic: What affects the cleanliness of the air in Ostrava?
source: TV Polar, Eko magazín | 6.2.2024 | link na web
source: TV Polar, Eko magazín | 6.2.2024 | link na web

TV show "Sama Doma" - How to heat properly and ecologically
source: ceskatelevize.cz | 2.2.2024 | link na web
source: ceskatelevize.cz | 2.2.2024 | link na web

An article in a children's magazine
source: Časopis Maxík | 2.2.2024 | PDF, 277 kB
source: Časopis Maxík | 2.2.2024 | PDF, 277 kB

An article in a children's magazine
source: Časopis Maxík | 3.1.2024 | PDF, 264 kB
source: Časopis Maxík | 3.1.2024 | PDF, 264 kB