
The air in Slovakia requires the attention of the general public
08. 09. 2021
The United Nations has declared the Interantional Day of Clean Air on September 7. On this day, Member States are drawing attention to measures to improve air quality. This year's motto of the campaign is "Healthy air, a healthy planet". The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic is responding to the deteriorating air quality with the prepared changes in legislation, financial instruments to support the improvement of air quality and awareness raising activities.

New points on the map II.
11. 08. 2021
The Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMI) is currently installing new automatic monitoring stations (AMS) in localities not yet covered by monitoring as part of the project Improving the National Air Quality Monitoring Network.

Air quality before, during the pandemic and after the release of the measures
24. 06. 2021
In connection with strict measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, reports of significant improvements in air quality spread around the world last year. The reason for the decrease in concentrations of nitrogen dioxide in the air was mainly due to the restriction in mobility. However, with the relaxation of measures, air quality is returning to the old ways. This is evidenced by footage from the Copernicus program.

Let us help you with the plan
03. 05. 2021
The aim of the LIFE IP – Air Quality Improvement project is to improve the implementation of programs to improve air quality in Slovakia. In this context, the positions of regional air quality managers have been established, who are currently working with representatives of state and local authorities to prepare new air quality management plans.

New points on the map
08. 03. 2021
The Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMI) is currently installing new automatic monitoring stations (AMS) in localities not yet covered by monitoring as part of the project Improving the National Air Quality Monitoring Network.

There's something in the air
24. 02. 2021
High concentrations of air pollutants have a significant impact on public health in Slovakia. Long-term exposure to dust particles increases the incidence of asthma, cardiovascular problems, lung diseases and consequently leads to premature death. However, despite improvements, the situation is still not good.

Slovakia is facing lawsuit for insufficient air quality protection
18. 02. 2021
The European Commission is bringing an action against Slovakia to the European Court of Justice for exceeding the limit value for particulate matter and for failing to take appropriate measures to improve air quality.

How to behave in a smog situation
12. 02. 2021
In the event of a short-term but extreme deterioration of air quality, the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute declares the so-called smog situation. When does it happen, how do you find out about it and what to do in case of a smog situation?

National reform plan identifies air quality issues in Slovakia
13. 10. 2020
Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic presented the national reform plan titled "Modern and successful Slovakia" devised by the governmental analytic units. The document shall serve as basis for the recovery plan with aim to solve social and economic impacts of COVID-19 pandemic.

Minister Budaj commemorates the International Day of Clean Air
07. 09. 2020
The United Nations designated 7 September as the International Day of Clean Air. On the occasion, the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic brought attention to air pollution and its impact on human health as well as planned legislative changes and measures taken to improve air quality in Slovakia.