
The impact of air pollution on children's health
30. 05. 2023
Children and young people cannot protect themselves from air pollution – only we adults can. Children are particularly vulnerable to air pollution, from the time they are in their mother’s womb through to adulthood. In the member and cooperating countries of the European Environment Agency (EEA), air pollution causes more than 1,200 deaths of people under 18 every year.

Air quality application „Today I Breathe“
11. 01. 2023
Recently, the mobile application "Dnes dýcham" (en. Today I Breathe) was successfully launched, with its goal to raise public awareness of air quality in Slovakia. The mobile application displays informative values of the level of air pollution under the designation of AQI - air quality index.

Let's not forget the trees
07. 12. 2022
Trees, for their ability to photosynthesize, are extremely important for the existence of life on earth. It is thanks to them that we have the composition of the atmosphere here, which contains oxygen and enables the existence of other organisms, as we know them, in countless forms and ecosystems.

Memorandum signed in Trenčín
29. 11. 2022
As part of the implementation of the LIFE IP Project – Improving Air Quality, on 11. 11. 2022 the District Office in the Trenčín region joined the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation on the Preparation of the Air Quality Improvement Program. The Memorandum was signed for the duration of the project, i.e. until 31. 12. 2027.

About clean air on Ekotopfilm
10. 10. 2022
As part of its activities, the Ekotopfilm festival does not only offer its visitors films with an environmental focus, as the name might suggest. It is an event that also provides space for fruitful discussions, where experts from various fields bring interesting topics closer to the public. Air quality, proper principles of heating, monitoring of pollutants and emissions from transport were discussed last week in Banská Bystrica and in Bratislava, and the LIFE IP project - Improving air quality was there.

World Clean Air and Blue Sky Day
07. 09. 2022
Clean air is a basic prerequisite for creating a healthy environment for the life of people, ecosystems and for the proper functioning of all components of the environment. On the contrary, air pollution is among the greatest environmental risks and is one of the main causes of death and disease worldwide. The member states of the United Nations are trying to point out this fact and therefore declared September 7 as the World Day of Clean Air and Blue Sky.

Our air quality managers in your schools
08. 07. 2022
We all learn new knowledge throughout our lives. It is important to convey new information to all age categories. We decided to convey such an important message, about air protection, to children from two elementary schools at the end of the school year.

Bratislava prepares new program to improve air quality
27. 12. 2021
From the point of view of air protection and its management, the Slovak Republic is divided into zones and agglomerations. The city of Bratislava represents an agglomeration, defined by the borders of the capital of the Slovak Republic and at the same time is also an air quality management area based on the assessment of air quality in the Slovak Republic, commissioned by the organization of the Ministry of the Environment, which is the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute.

SHMI launched mobile monitoring of air quality in Ivanka pri Dunaji
07. 10. 2021
The program of economic and social development of the town Ivanka pri Dunaji defines transport as one of the main problems and burdens for the town. The results of air quality monitoring should contribute to addressing air protection and the unsustainable traffic situation. Air quality managers for the Bratislava Region gave a helping hand in identifying the hotspot and installing a mobile monitoring station in Ivanka pri Dunaji.

New WHO Global Air Quality Guidelines aim to save millions of lives from air pollution
23. 09. 2021
Air pollution is one of the biggest environmental threats to human health, alongside climate change.