Our air quality managers in your schools
08. 07. 2022
We all learn new knowledge throughout our lives. It is important to convey new information to all age categories. We decided to convey such an important message, about air protection, to children from two elementary schools at the end of the school year.

The goal of our visit was to bring children closer to the negative and positive effects on air quality in a playful way, using a movement-interactive activity. At the beginning of the activity, the children's task was to guess the 5 main sources of air pollution in Slovakia. Guessing was not simple and straightforward. The children had to reach the result through joint efforts, while every student participated in the game with full commitment. The activity tested their attention to detail, drawing skills, short-distance running, as well as basic knowledge in the field of environmental science. At the end of the joint meeting, a lecture was held with the students, connected with a discussion about other sources of air pollution and subsequently about ways to change this undesirable state. At the end of June, we visited two elementary schools and learned something more about the protection of a very important component of the environment - air.
Our first visit was to the Primary School in Trenčianská Turná, which is located in the Trenčianske region. Both air quality managers for the Trenčín region (Petra Baďurová Renčová from the Trenčín self-governing region and Katarína Mičáková from the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic) participated in this educational activity together with classes 5.A and 5.B.
The second visit took place as part of the ENVIRO DAY event at the Primary School in Cífer, which belongs to the Trnava region. We spent a pleasant educational day here in the company of students of classes 3.A, 3.B and 3.C. The lecturers for the LIFE IP-Improving air quality project were air quality managers: Petra Baďurová Renčová (Trenčín self-governing region), Marta Bejdáková (Trnava self-governing region), Juraj Burda (Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic), Michal Matúšek (Bratislavsk self-governing region) and Katarína Mičáková (Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic).
Finally, we would like to thank especially the management of the mentioned elementary schools, who are fully aware of the importance of the given issue, thanks to which they willingly set aside their premises for us and released their students from the normal teaching process. We will continue with other educational activities in the 2022/2023 school year. If you are interested in the topic and would like us to visit your elementary school as well, contact the relevant air quality manager in your region with your request: https://populair.sk/sk/manazeri-kvality-ovzdusia