Did you hear about us while shopping?
19. 07. 2023
In cooperation with the retail chain TESCO STORES SR, an information awareness campaign aimed at supporting measures in the area of air quality and raising public awareness of the importance of air protection in Slovakia took place during the month of June. The chain's customers had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the issue of air protection in the form of radio spots and "populair" promotional stands on the topic of sustainable mobility. It was possible to meet our air quality managers in person in selected stores in Bratislava, Trnava, Nitra, Rožňava, Trebišov, Žilina, Ružomberok, Snina and Kežmarok.

Most people are still not aware of the direct link between air pollution and the quality of their health. Allergies, diseases of the respiratory system or cardiovascular diseases are often not associated with polluted air. Rather, they accept that the origin of their illness is e.g. in their poor lifestyle, possibly stemming from stress. It's more believable for them. However, health professionals point out that air pollution is currently one of the most important factors affecting the health of the human population. For example, transport is a significant source of emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), particulate pollutants (PM10 and PM2.5) and benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), which have a proven negative impact on people.
However, it is also possible to protect against polluted air. Clothing and activities can be adjusted based on the air quality. It is therefore important to know its status in such planning. Sometimes we can identify whether the air is clean or not by our own sense of smell or sight, but it is more reliable to check the situation on the website dnesdycham.sk. On the web portal, we can quickly and clearly find out what the current state of air quality is in selected locations in Slovakia, along with a recommendation as to whether and how it is necessary to limit outdoor activities. Similarly, the mobile application "I breathe today" is freely available and enables the setting of notifications for monitoring selected monitoring stations.