Exhibition of posters from informative NO2 measurement
23. 06. 2023
On June 22, 2023, the opening of a poster exhibition took place in the atrium of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic (MoE SR) on the informative measurement of NO2 in schools, which was opened by the Minister of the MoE SR, Milan Chrenko, and which was also attended by the Minister of Culture, Silvia Hroncová, ambassadors, winning schools and employees of the MoE SR.

These unique works were created by gifted students from 24 different schools in Slovakia. There was a competition for the three best posters, for which the public could vote, and the fourth was chosen by an expert jury. The two winning schools were invited to the opening, and after the minister's speech, the pupils themselves and the organizers of the competition from the Populair project took the floor. Prizes and tickets to subordinate organizations of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic of their choice were handed over to the teams.
This exhibition will be available to schools for one month in the atrium of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic and will then travel to other participating counties.
As part of the public vote, the following schools took the first three places:
Ladislav Novomeský High School, Bratislava
High school, ul. 1. maja 8, Malacky
Zoltán Kodály High School with Hungarian as the teaching language, Galanta
Based on the vote of the expert jury, the Slatina nad Bebravou Elementary School and Kindergarten is also the winner.
All information about the informative measurement of NO2 at schools is available on the website dnesdycham.populair.sk
in the For schools part and the measured values are processed in an interactive map.
This poster exhibition is a unique opportunity to show how students are involved in environmental protection and at the same time spread awareness about air quality and its impact on health. It is an excellent way to motivate other people to similar initiatives.
You can read the entire press release on the informative measurement of air pollution from traffic in the vicinity of schools on the webside of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic.