
Towards sustainable mobility and improving air quality
22. 03. 2022
Transport is one of the important factors in the development of modern society and economy. However, it also has its dark side – the increase in individual car traffic, traffic jams, air pollution, increased noise, which ultimately leads to a deterioration in the health and quality of life of residents of cities and municipalities. The Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Environmental Agency, as in 2021, also in 2022 prepared a series of workshops for representatives of local governments and the professional public focused on the issue of sustainable mobility, presenting examples of good practice in favor of improving air quality.

France gives space to sustainable mobility
06. 01. 2022
From March 1, 2022, France will make it mandatory to include sustainable mobility messages in car advertisements. In order to reduce emissions, the country is using the same concept as in the fight against unhealthy eating, where health recommendations are mandatory in advertising messages.

Trnava is making progress in creating a shared public space for cyclists and pedestrians
22. 11. 2021
The last in a series of workshops aimed at sharing experiences and good practices in implementing sustainable mobility was devoted to examples from the Trnava region. In this region, but also throughout Slovakia, since 1998, the number of residents moving from city centers to the periphery has been increasing. This phenomenon is called suburbanization and represents a relatively complex problem in terms of the transport serviceability of the area by public transport.

Safely and healthy with ecological transport
14. 09. 2021
Today marks the start of the 20th edition of the European Mobility Week (ETM) campaign, which this year is marked by the motto "Safely and healthy with green transport". Sustainable mobility is a key solution to the problem of deteriorating air quality. The aim of the campaign is to motivate local governments and to present implemented permanent measures in the field of sustainable mobility.

How to avoid air pollution on the way to school
26. 04. 2021
In connection with the gradual relaxation of measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, mass school opening is long awaited. However, in addition to the risk of coronavirus infection, pupils and students may face an "old-new" threat in the form of poor air quality when they start school.