Minister Budaj: People deserve true information about air quality
11. 11. 2020
Unsatisfactory air quality in Slovakia can also stem from insufficient awareness. Minister of Environment Ján Budaj introduced new web application dnesdycham.sk, which aims to inform public on air quality in Slovakia in a simple, comprehensible way.

“We want better awareness and information on air quality in Slovakia. Website dnesdycham.sk itself cannot stop the air pollution. But I am confident, that informed public can support policies that will bring good news, to breathe clean air,” emphasized the minister Budaj during the press conference.
Data from National air quality monitoring network summarized and simple
Today, 38 monitoring stations record information on air pollutants in Slovakia. Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute plan to expand the network with 14 new locations. Concentration of particulate matter, SO2, CO, NOx, benzene and ozone are monitored each hour. Data is converted to air quality index to inform the public on air quality in comprehensible way by means of colored and verbal information.
The map used in web app includes colored points, that represent the monitoring network. The color of the point indicates the air quality level. Each monitoring station reveals an emoticon when clicked to also represent the air quality level. Users can also get summary on particular zone or agglomeration.
Web application is one of the deliverables of the LIFE IP - Air Quality Improvement project, thanks to which the national network of air quality managers was established.
Health impact
According to the European Environment Agency exposure to air pollution annually causes about 400,000 premature deaths in Europe. In Slovakia, approximately 5,000 people die prematurely each year. Long-term exposure to pollutants leads to severe consequences ranging from respiratory system failure, cardiovascular disease, cognitive disorders to premature death. Air pollution negativelly affects the nervous system, kidneys, liver and other organs. In Slovakia not only industry and agriculture contribute to deteriorated air quality, but also transport and household heating.