Malopolska model sets an example of effective air quality management for EU member states
25. 02. 2020
Since 2015 the Polish project Malopolska has been successfully implementing measures to improve the air quality thanks to the EU’s LIFE programme - funding instrument for the environment and climate action. In February, Malopolska team hosted good practices workshops in Krakow.

Poland as well as Slovakia belongs to the EU member states facing air quality problems. The cure for deteriorating air quality is a set of innovative measures. Perhaps the most important one of them is a network of eco managers, who are employed across the region in 62 local governments.
The role of eco managers is to counsel local authorities and citizens, monitor compliance with air quality directives and regulations, raise public awareness and promote available instruments improving air quality such as boiler grants and renewable resource grants.
EASME, who coordinates the LIFE programme, sets Malopolska model as a positive example for other countries. Innovative measures inspire emerging projects in Bulgaria, Slovenia, Hungary, Italy, Czech Republic, Belgium, Slovakia and Spain.