How is the pandemic affecting air quality in the Czech Republic?
13. 05. 2020
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute published a report on air quality during the first month since the state of emergency declaration in the Czech Republic. The report focused mainly on air pollution caused by NOx and particulate matter PM10.

Some of the findings in the report are:
- Average concentration of NO2 in all monitoring stations reached the lowest levels in the last six year. Compared to the average 5-year concentration, it decreased by 6,8 %.
- The change in concentrations can be attributed to number of factors including the decrease in transport.
- Average concentration of particulate matter PM10 in all monitoring stations was third highest in the last six years. Compared to the average 5-year concentration, it is higher by 6,8 %.
- The development of PM10 concentrations was determined by meteorological conditions and dispersion factors as well as main sources of emissions - higher intensity of household heating due to the lockdown, and also spring agricultural activities. The increase in concentrations was also caused by long-range transmission of particulate matter from desert areas. This increase was higher than the potential decrease caused by the cutback in transport emissions.
You can read the report in the following link (in Czech only): http://portal.chmi.cz/files/portal/docs/tiskove_zpravy/2020/COVID_ZPRAVA.pdf