Ministry of Environment creates a space for dialogue in the interest of effective air quality management
05. 07. 2021
The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Environment Agency are organizing an international conference Effective Air Quality Management 2021 on September 7 - 8, 2021, focusing on possibilities and tools to support the improvement of air quality in Slovakia. The event, intended primarily for representatives of state and local authorities, will take place in Banská Bystrica, at the Dixon Hotel.

The Slovak Republic is one of the EU Member States facing air quality problems, which has a significant negative impact on citizens' health and the environment. Despite the improvements achieved over the last 30 years, air quality in certain areas of Slovakia is still unsatisfactory. In the context of poor air quality due to high levels of particulate matter (PM10), the European Commission decided on 18 February 2021 to refer Slovakia's case to the EU Court of Justice for breach of the requirements of the Ambient Air Quality and Cleaner Air Europe Directive.
It is no coincidence that the date of the conference falls on International Day of Clean Air, which was announced by the United Nations on September 7. On this day, Member States are drawing attention to the measures taken to improve air quality.
The aim of the conference organizers is to create a space for sharing and disseminating information, knowledge and experience in the field of air quality. The prepared changes in legal regulations for air protection, the current state of air quality, the possibilities of financing measures to improve it, examples of good practice from implemented measures and raising environmental awareness in the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic, as well as other selected countries will be presented.
The current and potential role of the relevant state administration and self-government bodies will be discussed, as well as the role of regional air quality managers as professional support for these bodies. The lectures will be complemented by interactive consultations of air quality managers with conference participants and demonstrations from the educational show "Smokeman Intervenes", implemented by one of the project partners, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava.
The conference is funded by the LIFE IP – Air Quality Improvement project, which is supported by the European Union within the LIFE program. The aim of the project is to improve the implementation of air quality management plans in Slovakia by strengthening the capacities and competencies of regional and local authorities by creating a national network of air quality managers and supporting measures in the field of air quality.
Registration for the event will take place from 1.7.2021 to 16.8.2021. In case of filling the capacity of the participants set for the event, the organizers reserve the right to close the registration for the conference before the specified date. In the event of a worsening of the situation in the spread of COVID ‑ 19, the organizers reserve the right to organize the event online, or to cancel it.
More information about the event: https://populair.sk/sk/event/301