First year successfully behind us despite unpredictable obstacles
16. 12. 2020
First year of LIFE IP - Air Quality Improvement project was meant for self-education and mapping. At the start of december, a second monitoring visit by NEEMO, organization responsible for monitoring LIFE projects, took place online due to COVID-19 situation.

The aim of the visit is to check the state of activities and tasks expected to be delivered according to the action plan. During the first year, most of the milestones and deliverables were successfully executed. Due to the unceasing pandemic situation, some project activities were delayed, even postponed.
One of the postponed activities is the Effective air quality management conference, that should have taken place in September 29-20, 2020 in Banska Bystrica. Due to the rising number of positively tested cases in Slovakia the conference was cancelled and postponed to 2021.
Despite the work constraints, the national network of air quality managers (AQM) was established, project website and air quality web application were launched, AQM trainings have began, as well as sustainable mobility workshops. Project activities also attracted media and the topic of air quality and air protection resonated with public.
With a new year ahead of us, our resolution is to improve the air quality in Slovakia. We have a lot of work to do and lot of changes ahead of us, awareness campaigns, educative workshops, new air quality management plans, mobile monitoring, new legislation and new programming period.